南京天光电气科技有限公司是专业从事研发及生产各种力敏传感器、压力变送器、智能仪表、电子称重系统及称重物联网产品的高科技企业。产品广泛应用于冶金、化工、**、交通、能源、机械制造、建材等行业的自动化控制领域。在工业4.0版革命及中国制造2025背景下,称重产业不断走向数字化、无线化、动态化、信息化,天光公司顺势而为,其产品全面覆盖从较底层的感知层(传感器+仪表),到中间的网络层(通讯模块),再到上层的应用层(服务器+手机/电脑客户端),天光物联网旨在为客户提供一整套完整解决方案。 公司正沿着“国际化、科技化、多元化、集团化、服务化”的发展战略,依托天光总公司20多年的传感器生产经验和规模化的生产基地,为建设国际*的物联网公司而努力迈进。
Nanjing Tianguang Electrical Technology Co., Ltd. is specialized in research and development and production of various force-sensitive sensors, pressure transmitters, smart meters, electronic weighing systems and weighing the networking products of high-tech enterprises. Products are widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, military, transportation, energy, machinery manufacturing, building materials and other industries more automated control. In the industrial revolution and the Chinese version of the 2025 manufacturing 2025 background, the weighing industry continues to digital, wireless, dynamic, information technology, homeopathic company, its products cover the bottom from the bottom of the sensing layer (sensor + instrument) To the middle of the network layer (communication module), and then to the upper application layer (server + mobile / computer client), Tianguang things designed to provide customers with a complete set of solutions. The company is along the "internationalization, science and technology, diversification, the Group of services" of the development strategy, relying on Tianguang Corporation for more than 20 years of experience in production and large-scale production base for the construction of world-class networking companies Efforts forward.
主要市场 |
国内,国外 |
经营范围 |
公司主要经营称重传感器,拉力传感器,压力传感器,扭矩传感器,放大器/接线盒,称重显示仪表, 电气技术研发;传感器、计算机软件的研发、生产、销售;仪器仪表的技术研发、生产、销售、技术服务、技术转让;电子技术开发、技术服务、技术转让;自营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务(国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品和技术除外)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) |